
    Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

    For theme/decorating guidelines please consult the question labeled: "What types of costumes are appropriate?" on our FAQ / Rules page.

    Example for a tent that is 20ft wide by 10ft deep with 1.5ft for ropes/stakes on all sides.
    Front Width: 20 ft
    Depth: 10 ft
    Rope space from edge of tent: 1.5 ft

    How many of these outlet types do you want to order? This is based on amperage. If you use a power strip and draw too much power you will trip the breakers and ruin the day for everyone and you will be charged a fee for having Thanksgiving Point electrical staff return to the event to add more electrical boxes. Please order appropriately for your power needs and do not plugin more than you order.

    standard outlet
    Enter number of 15 amp outlets you need:

    standard outlet
    Enter number of 30 amp outlets you need:

    standard outlet
    Enter number of 50amp outlets you need:

    The following rules are detailed on the FAQ / Rules page. For theme/decorating guidelines please consult the question labeled: "What types of costumes are appropriate?"

    Please check the boxes below so we can confirm
    that you will follow our rules at the event.




    Everyone working will wear a theme appropriate costume and the area we will be selling from (tent or what-have-you) will match the theme guidelines / era.

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